• Overhead Lines Design Course
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    Course Description

    The Advanced Overhead Line Training Course is designed to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills related to the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of overhead power transmission and distribution lines. This course caters to professionals in the electrical engineering and utility sectors who seek to enhance their expertise in managing and optimizing overhead line systems.


    Course Objectives

    Understanding Overhead Line Fundamentals: Gain a deep understanding of the principles, components, and configurations of overhead power transmission and distribution lines.


    Design and Planning

    Learn to design, plan, and assess overhead line projects, considering factors such as load requirements, safety regulations, environmental considerations, and terrain characteristics.


    Material Selection and Specifications

    Explore various materials used in overhead line construction, their properties, and how to select the appropriate materials based on the project's requirements.


    Construction Techniques

    Acquire hands-on knowledge of construction techniques for erecting overhead lines, including tower assembly, conductor stringing, and insulator installation.


    Safety Protocols

    Understand safety protocols and best practices for working on and around live overhead lines, including the use of personal protective equipment and compliance with industry safety standards.


    Maintenance and Inspection

    Learn effective maintenance strategies, routine inspections, and diagnostic techniques to identify and address potential issues that could affect the reliability and efficiency of overhead lines.


    Emergency Response

    Develop skills to handle emergency situations involving overhead lines, such as power outages, line faults, and storm-related damage.


    Technology Integration

    Explore advancements in technology such as remote monitoring, predictive maintenance, and automation systems for optimizing the performance of overhead line networks.


    Environmental Considerations

    Understand the environmental impact of overhead lines and explore methods to mitigate their effects on the surrounding ecosystem.


    Regulatory Compliance

    Familiarize yourself with national and international regulations, codes, and standards governing the design, construction, and operation of overhead line systems.


    Course Format

    The course is delivered through a combination of lectures, practical workshops, case studies, and site visits to operational overhead line installations. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities, simulations, and group discussions to reinforce their understanding of the concepts presented.


    Target Audience

    This course is ideal for electrical engineers, utility managers, project managers, maintenance supervisors, and professionals working in the energy and utility sectors who want to expand their expertise in overhead line systems.



    Participants should have a foundational knowledge of electrical engineering concepts and familiarity with basic power transmission and distribution principles.


    Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion, validating their advanced knowledge and skills in managing overhead line systems effectively and safely.



    • Available Booking Dates
    • Tuesday 10th December
      Course Venue

      Mancnester City Centre

      12 Spaces Available

      Course Trainer - Bill Sayer

      Bill has more than 40 years’ experience in the overhead line industry, he has undertaken many designs within the OHL sector, both in the UK and overseas, including functional specifications and tenders, and the development of software for ENA TS 43-40 (HV lines below 132kv) and 43-12 (LV lines). He has been the Network Manager for all voltage lines within SSE (South), and Engineering Design Manager for Balfour Beatty. For the past 12 years, Bill has been the Chairman of BSi committee PEL/11 (Overhead Lines), and assisted in the drafting of EN 50341-1 and BS EN 50341-2-9 (line design for overhead lines greater than 1kV), and represented the UK at European level for these Standards. In addition, Bill has served on BSi committee B/518 in respect of wooden poles. Bill currently updates many OHL related ENA Technical Specifications; undertakes Company specific desktop studies in line design; and undertakes lecturing engagements that have historically included IET, LSTC, Scottish Power, SSE and the Ministry of Defence.

      If you would like to book a private class please contact info@threepwoodconsulting.com